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Site Survey


For Ambient Electromagnetic Noise (AEN) especially in interrogation zones


Potential problems with installing an RFID system


Strenght of signals in the interrogation zone


Information on changes that happen over the course of a full business cycle


Patterns of interference, methods to mitigate this


Any sources of interference, suitable interrogation zones

Ambient Electromagnetic Noise: Why it is Important?

When you think about installing an RFID system in your premises, you are likely to think about obstacles such as forklift trucks and workers moving about. But the biggest challenge tends to come from ambient electromagnetic noise (AEN).

AEN consists of electrical and magnetic waves that modern electrical devices such as motion detectors, alarm systems, conveyors, etc generate and propagate through the air. All these devices generate electromagnetic 'noise'.

Because these systems that are already in place can create AEN there is a real potential for signal interference can adversely

affect the new RFID system. And the opposite is also true: The new RFID system may adversely affect your existing systems. Typically the AEN is measured over a business cycle.

Therefore a site survey or site assessment is required to test the location where the RFID system is to be deployed. It allows for the effective diagnosis and planning to avoid the potential operational problems associated with installing an RFID system. During the site survey the optimal read points are also established based on knowledge of the business process often along with the optimal placement of tags.